It was a very emotional last day of school term in Koriyama High School today as I came to realise a lot of things about Japanese students. They can spend a whole year being shy and not talking to you but when it comes down to the crunch where you are leaving, they write you the most sincere letters filled with heartfelt gratitude and suddenly have outburst of emotions.
I gave a very heartfelt farewell speech in Japanese for the closing ceremony today and almost teared when the student councillors presented me with a Koriyama High School sweater with my name embroidered on it in Katakana.
I went to the chorus club's public perfomance later in the night and as I left the building, I was shocked and deeply moved by the 2 rows of chorus club girls who were shocked to see me, were screaming my name and holding on to my hands, almost in tears that it was so hard for me to hold back my tears as well.
I have perhaps failed miserable at being detached once again, even though I came knowing I would only be here for a year. But I am tahnkful for everything that has happend to me in Japan in the short span of time, and nothing can ever replace such an experience.
To quote from Che Guevera in the Motorcycle Diaries:
~ What do we leave behind when we cross each frontier? Each moment seems split in two; melancholy for what was left behind and the excitement of entering a new land.
I am humbled as I come to realise that the words "everything happens for a reason" can only be truly appreciated with hindsight, and I am thankful for the times of my lowest of moments here in Japan that helped me to appreciate the highs later, even more.
"Sorrow is better than laughter, for sadness has a refining influence on us."
Kathy in 日本