Anyway, just wanted to say, the Disney trip was wonderful! It was the highlight of our Tokyo trip. We went DisneySea on the first day and Disneyland on the second, staying overnight at one of Disney partner hotels. The room was really neat and nice and has got the Disney feel! A bit only la..cos that hotel is not one of the main hotels..haha..
DisneySea was really dreamy, like Vienna! (unlike Elizabeth who can be at the real Vienna, I can only dream at DisneySea..haha..) It's so pretty that it's beyond words. I thought, the Americans are really smart and creative to come up with this idea of a Disneyworld..the buildings and technology they use are mind-blowing..of course, they are capable of coming up with anything that's money-making..Oops anyway, the rides at DisneySea are pretty fun too. Initially when we arrived, the place is so big that we don't know where to start. Then we began to plan and strategise and make full use of the 2 days to visit both places. Disneyland was not as fun as DisneySea because the rides are more for kids ( we queued for so long only to find ourselves twirling in some machine in Winnie the Pooh's dream and flying in Peter Pan's world and shooting with Buzz LightYears) and the scenery is not as nice. But when the princes and princesses came out (during parade shows), it's still these classics that can steal your heart away.
Oh, kudos to all Japanese who are working at the Disneyworld! They are so professional. They keep smiling at you and greet you and explain to you the safety precautions even though that may be the hundredth time they are doing it. And for those who are in costumes, they still smile joyfully and cheerfully and move about actively under the hot sun, and they really look like they are enjoying it and that helps in bringing the mood in, you know! I really admire them...i mean, can you imagine doing this over and over again everyday? I can't.. *salute!*
We bought some stuff at DisneySea too and this is one of it!

Isn't it nice?! Hee...with that, I shall end my entry. In the end, only managed to talk about my Disney trip. Shall wrap up my whole Tokyo trip tomorrow! (sorry that i'm talking too much here! hee)
Oh, can view my photos here
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