Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord...


Children's Camp starting tmr. Rhythm and Rhyme Camp starting tmr. Brain Booster Camp starting next week. Dazzle and Delight Camp starting next next week. I'm tired....

Dear JK,

Haven't had time to share with you people what's going on in my u can read a little over here.

Just wanna share how I think God gave me a little push on Sunday...

I was tired...(for those who noticed, I was really really tired--physically, mentally). I was complaining to God and wondering why am I doing so many things and getting myself so tired. I can't complain to anyone because sometimes I think it is me who got myself into all these. If I complain to them, they will just think why would I want to be involved in so many things in the first place. Sigh....
So I kept everything between myself and God. I feel like I'm breaking down that on Saturday morning, I just feel like giving up everything. It was quite scary...because I thot of pulling out from MT. I really wanted to. I need REST.
On Sunday, my complaining mood continues...I told God to give me strength and passion to move on. During worship, I tried to give everything to God. I want to return everything to Him. I just teared before God because I can't do so before men. It was good after the release of emotions. During communion, I lifted up my hand to receive the bread (as usual) and waited...Pastor came, put the bread on my hand, close my hand and said the word....STRENGTH... I can't remember what he said..but I heard the word "STRENGTH" and my heart was encouraged. Never had I heard anything other than "Jesus' blood/bread keeps you in eternal life". I thought that was God revealing to me that my strength is in Him.

Read Psalm 107 yesterday and I realised before God restored His people, they need to cry out to Him "Lord, help!" I thought that's me. I need to cry out to Him, "Lord, help!"

Well, this is my season of life. Pray for all my camps please, esp for children's camp (thu-sun).


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