Saturday, December 27, 2008

My hope... some thoughts

Just some thoughts after ' My hope' at jocelyn's place. Thanks Jia Wei and Eliz for the wonderful food. It was a blessing:) Have been sick for a week plus. Feeling quite weak i guess. Initially struggled to turn up for my hope cos I was simply kinda of tired. Been buzzing around for recent months or so...I guess God does have His purpose to bring me there. Through the video, He reminded me why I chose to received Him as my Lord and Saviour. He reminded the purpose of serving Him and the very first moments that He touched me as well.

The very same verse ... The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not be in want .... God used that verse to speak into my life before. There were flash backs at the moments God spoke into my life. Perhaps the busy months have crowded my mind so much that God was using the testimony to reach to me as well.

I felt warm to know that God cares for me and is very much concern about me. Guess... it's always how I choose to respond to Him. Take heart, Jesus never leaves and will never forsake His children.

Thank God for that!


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