Monday, December 29, 2008


Following the previous post, I would like to give thanks to God:

1) that I had not snapped off the whole finger from my hand, that I still have a hand of 5 fingers, though I don't know when my pinky finger will fully heal;

2) that I had recovered from my allergy (giving thanks in advance in faith!), that i did not feel especially itchy and uncomfortable throughout the time of sickness and that my swollen face wasn't that bad (I had heard of worse ones);

3) I fell down from the stairs at my office 2 weeks ago and I thank God that I didn't sprain my leg! And that no one was around when I was on my fours! Woohoo!

And thank my husband for taking care of me when I was sick!

God is really good to me. I must give thanks more often! You must too! Because God is good!

And it works in a spiraling way, that as you give thanks to God more, you'd realise His goodness; and as you realise His goodness, you'd want to give thanks to God more!


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