Saturday, April 11, 2009

hi all,

be touched.

love life.

i have these lines in chinese translated for those who understand english words better.

here they are:

如果你的生命只剩下一點點, 你會用什麼態度去面對?
if your days are numbered, what will your attitude be towards life?

他們的癌已經擴散到全身上下了...但是他們對生命的愛,卻是 永 無 止 境。
though their cancer cells have spreaded over their bodies... they still hold a strong passion for life.

在人生當中,難免遇上失敗與挫折,但跟這些孩子所面對的狀況比起來,你是否應該 更珍惜生命...
in life, we often meet with failures and obstacles, but when compared to these children, shouldnt we cherish life even more?

" 如果生命可以交換的話,你願意跟我換嗎? "
"are you willing to exchange your life with mine?"

當你覺得寂寞孤單,你的心將要破碎... 要記得這些孩子 正在為你禱告。
when you feel lonely, your heart is broken... please remember these children; they are praying for you.

" 請你幫我們好好活著,好嗎? "
"please help us by living well, alright?"

the celebrities participating in this campaign spearheaded by 陳建州 a.k.a 黑人 in this clip:

the girl who asked, "are you willing to exchange your life with mine?" in the first clip, passed on in febuary, according to this following clip:


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