小妹我, have been hibernating at home, studying very hard due to common test. Had Marketing paper today. It was a tough paper cause I did not have enough time to revise, so the last chapter I kind of just scan through and I almost could not finish the paper. Thank God I manage to complete my last question within 15 minutes. haha!
After my paper, went to mass media sales with Carol. Wanted to get NIV compact bible with index, those kind that I can bring to church for service and can fit into my handbag kind but I couldn't find it, like not selling anymore. If any kind soul know where I can get the bible, let me know ya.
Carol and I met up with Joy for dinner at Vivocity food republic. We had depot road clay pot laksa, hokkien noodles ( 2 plates) and a plate of handmade fish ball and deserts. Wanted to take some pictures of out food to post it on the blog but Carol says guys who might be interested in us might be scare off by us cause we 很难养,eat too much liao. haha!
We went shopping after dinner and did not realise that I left my wallet at food republic until my brother called me from home to tell me that someone found my wallet. The kind soul who found my wallet actually took the trouble to phone my home. There is a medical appointment card with my residential number printed on it and I guess that is the only number he can find in my wallet other than lots of receipts. Haha!
Thank God that I manage to retrieve my wallet back:)
To Jocelyn: Thanks for creating the blog, I think it aids communication and hopefully, we can all improve our English standard:)
=) Serene, the cute one
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