Tuesday, June 3, 2008

something amazing

oh man, i missed the lunch ahaha. was busy flagging bikers to the CORRECT direction. Quite boring actually. i rather go for service...

anyway my friend shared with me something. Its a sharing that one of his church members shared, about the earthquake thingy recently. I only know that guy is some bigshot involved in this kind of things.

( i dont know my geog well, but this was what i heard) earthquakes are caused by the earth plates err squashing against each other right, then one will give way and they overlap. So the pressure created can actually vaporise the minerals within these plates, into the air to form linear, coloured clouds. I cant find coloured one on the net, but i found a wierdly linear one, and the caption said an earthquake happened 1 hour later.

animals will behave strangely also, cos i supposethey can hear the low frequencies?

And also 25 years ago, scientists have already calculated that sichuan lies on a fault line, and it will experience a massive earthquake with many repercussions ( as in quake and quake at large magnitude after some short intervals) The fault lines have now moved towards beijing liao... err that should be very very bad...

similar for myanmar ba, cos there would be changes in wind patterns and stuff

IT IS POSSIBLE to shift the whole civilisation away to safety, BUT, its not economical and billions of dollars will be lost by closing a state like that. Also, the predictions are not accurate and the scientists' heads would probably roll if they predict wrongly. The prediction can only more or less comfirm that something is gonna happen.

SOOO, it wasnt God who allowed all these to happen. In Genesis, God did say that man will rule over the land and animals right? yea God provided the signs, but due to human IRRESPONSIBLITY, many many people die... =

I found it really amazing when i heard it haha... should be true ba... and oh ya, its quite impossible for singapore to experience any natural disasters, besides flooding... lol.. and please tremors are not disasters =.= Thank God for Singapore.


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