Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Well, felt compelled to say that actually I think God allows all things to happen because ultimately He is in control and He could choose to stop the earthquake if He wanted to. The question then goes back to the one about why does God such things to happen (evil and suffering). Not easy to answer but I'm sure if you really want to know there are a lot of sound Christian teachings on that topic.

I know the earthquake has brought about a lot of pain to many people but I've seen some things which have come out of it which I thought has been pretty positive. China being more willing and open to receive aid from her neighbours (particularly Japan/Taiwan). Recently, I saw a fund raising concert for aid relief put together by Hong Kong, Taiwan and Chinese artistes. One of the show was a cantonese Christian song where a group of people were sharing about the love of Christ and the hope He will bring. So it really surprised me to see that God is also working through avenues such as these. It was a picture of reconcilliation to me too. I think in some ways it really rallied the people together (especially the Chinese no matter where they are).
Encourage you to share the hope that you have in Christ to people around you who are finding answers and hope to the recent tragedies. I'm afraid that the time is not too near when people's hearts will not be moved or numbed to these events. One friend in lab came in late one morning because the MRT was delayed as one person had jumped onto the track to commit suicide. It really shocked me because she was complaining to me how irritated she with the delay and asked why did the person choose to jump the track and inconvenience the trainful of people. I thought it was really sad when people start to see an incident as this as an inconvenience and not see it as a tragic loss of a life. A life precious to God.
I remember telling her that lives are precious and if the person survive. I think it changed her perspective a bit because she was probably thinking of her own loss rather than another person's loss. Sometimes I think that's our role in bridging people to God helping them to steer them from their own thinking towards God's view.
Jia you Jeremiah Knights, may each of you be a shining light wherever you are :)

Jasmine :D

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