Saturday, July 12, 2008

Give thanks!!

Just want to thank God that He sustained my dad back to work. Yesterday, the doc said that he has fully recovered. Yeah! Thank God for that and he is able to bend his left knee at least at right angle. think he won't be able to squat or to kneel again. :( .. at least he is alright now. :) Not really happy with his working hours. However he finds it ok cos he says it quite light duty. Well, as long as he can cope and he enjoys it. I'm fine with it.

Thank God for my colleagues! They had a surprise cake for me. Ha.. weitan even got me out to packet lunch for them. when I got back to my company, they were all ready to sing birthday song for me. The colleague that recently resigned even came down to celebrate my birthday. thank God for friendship at the work place. Yah.. realise that i've always focused on the unhappy things that happened at work. Actually, work place can be quite fun too. It's how we choose to respond and relate to different individuals.

Had to train a new guy at work today. Thank God for for the opportunity to talk to him. Managed to find out that his friends brought him to city harvest and New creation church before... Haha.. next step... Have to find chance to tell him about God's love. Pray for me as I embarked on this new share His love.

Some upcoming events that you might be interested...
Streams of Praise is in Singapore. (Chinese Worship team from taiwan)
Go Forth (mission conference this wed to sat I think...interested parties can go for free night sessions)

Okie... that's abt all for now.

Joy. ...of the Lord is my strength. Yeah!

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