Sunday, September 28, 2008
Thanksgivings about many things
I was really blessed at the Meditative Service today. Even the theme of the songs chosen reflected our time at cell on friday. Indeed God wants us to repent of the things which become barriers in our relationship with him, thorns and thistles which crowd God out of our lives and relationships.
Indeed Be Still for the Presence of the Lord and His still small voice can be heard! Next week we are having a time of prayer and I look forward to it. (But I will be late cos have to visit the students at the hostel next friday, sigh... i hate clashes) I hope that we can all come with a heart to pray. Perhaps we should prepare our hearts before we come so that we can seek him together as a community.
There are many things coming up which would be a mere activity or busyness if we simply let things run as it is. Like the my hope project, mission trip, outreaches or exams. We want to bring God into each event, season and see Him glorified.
Just a thanksgiving... initially I thought that the mission trip thing was gonna be cancelled cos church wanted a creative arts performing team. I was disappointed. But after Hannah shared that we can still have a teaching english team from 10 /13 to 21 dec, I was really excited. To go back and encourage the youth, prayer walk in the land as well as equipping them with anything that we could share. I'm sharing this so that we can all pray , give, send, pray and go as the LORD leads.
Yesterday in missions conference the speaker said something that struck deep in my heart... because of our attitudes... many times short term missions are high in profile and low in impact. Yup its true especially if we are there behaving like some tourist or thinking that we are gonna feel go and do so much good. Even before we think of going, let us examine our hearts. Are we there to serve? Do we go just because something is attractive to us... like youth or children's ministry is fun? God can use anyone who is humble and avails himself. But God would never use one who is so available but proud.
Well what then can be low profile but high impact? I think that if we invest time and prayer and effort to build relationships, we can sow even more and harvest more. Think about the mentors and pray for them, they sow for 1-2 years and then see harvest. The Indonesian ministry - weekly they sow, pray for them. And last but not least, the my hope project is not another eating event but a sharing one. We must start praying and preparing ourselves and our loved ones. God will do his part to touch their hearts.
So we will still be having the my hope project, one in jocelyn's home and one in mine. I was really glad when cynthia tan said she's not going to missions but going to focus on my hope project and i think that whether we are in singapore or overseas we can still be blessing others with the gospel.
Ok... think my post is too long but I am really glad to share, to see people grow... to hear people going to get baptised - cynthia and jiawei... we are supporting you !!! let us know when you are going to tell your parents. Also we must congratulate Terry for finishing 3 months of bible school!! Yup let's continue to use the blog to share and glorify God!
Cheers :) Carol
Friday, September 26, 2008

The first illuminated bibles were produced in the early Middle Ages by monks who painstakingly detailed illustrations for their sacred verse. Chris Harrison, a doctoral student at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Christoph Römhild of the North Elbian Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hamburg, Germany, present an illustrated Bible with a modern twist. Römhild started with a list of verses in different versions of both the Old and New Testaments that referred to figures or ideas from earlier passages, then combed through both books for additional examples. Using a custom-built computer program, Harrison translated the trove of data into "Visualizing the Bible." Each bar on the graph along the bottom represents a chapter of the Bible; the bar length corresponds to the number of verses in the passage. The rainbowlike arcs represent references from a chapter in one book to a chapter in another. "It almost looks like one monolithic volume," Harrison says.
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Where is your hope today?
hi folks!
know its been a long time since i blogged.. sorry was alittle busy alittle lazy alittle panyze... hahha busylazypanzy fuzzywazzy! hahha
yupz... am uploading a big video of our cell retreat! good times!! wonder how it taste if we catch a bunch of them n cook it chilli crab style.. hahha maybe we fry them first until crispy crispy them it be real nice aye!
hahah been holding out on the pictures and videos! haha i think we shld complie the videos n pictures that everyone got and put them into a christmas edition JK CD! hahah... n sell it for 10 bucks! haha... all proceedings goes to cell fund for end of year party!~ hahha... (how about that huh? )
I arrow shu hui to complie! hahah n erm.. elisa n liz to market n audit the sales! and.... of course treasurer to collect the money! hah oh! n erm... the young men to come up with the cover design and theme! must be christmas-y!!! =)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Result's out...
Though I did well this semester, but my grauduating GPA is not that fantastic, it's only 3.3 cause I did not do as well in my previous semesters. Dont think I can enter the local U persuing accountancy cause it is just too competitive, especially in NTU. Will give NUS a shot.. SMU is expensive and it takes longer to graduate too.
With GPA 3.3, I think I can get into local U but have to give up persuing accountancy... Another alternative is to do the degree programme offered by Univeristy of London, degree in accounting and finance in SIM. Since the degree programme is accredited by ICPAS(Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Singapore) as one of the route to attain CPA(Certified Public Accountants) other than ACCA route, it is worth considering but expensive =(
I still got about 7 months to think about it.. shall pray and ask God..
Monday, September 15, 2008
grp breakout at elisa's house=)
elisa's fren - cum van - joined us too!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
what was shared by jayne on the 7th of sept, the size of Earth as compared to the rest of the universe, simply made me wonder in awe.
i am still seeking and searching.
are you?
you are not alone.
-nonchalantly me, lcq
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Birthday!!! And Group Break out!!!!
(Francis said we looked like we're fishing from a drain..haha)
The rest of the Emmanuelites had more luck...they caught more. Altogether, there were 19 prawns, a miserable number compared to an Ah Peh who had a basket full himself!
Interested? Maybe we can try some day! Hee...
Friday, September 12, 2008
When i think about it, we only meet on Fridays and Sundays (most of us), and the thing is we dont actually get to talk to everyone that much on these days either. There isnt much or any form of interaction for the other 5 days right? So are we just friday and sunday friends, or are we a family?
Maybe it can be a morning msg on the other days, to brighten up their morning, or to ask how they are coping and all, or even meet up for dinner before cell on friday! At least we can get more time to talk! :o) And i think through all these small small things, it can bring us all closer together as one cell right? :o) Then we can support one another better in future.
well, i know there are various personalities existing in jk, but sharing a little more wont kill right :X I not trying to say that we should understand each other so well until we can mindread! haha ( but if you can then good for you and it'll be interesting :P)
i dont wanna see you all as friday and sunday friends, but as family, and neither do i wanna become a friday and sunday friend ;)
have fun tmr! :o)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Working Life..
So far, I get along well with my colleagues ( ren jian ren ai ma.. haha) and they treat me as xiao mei mei.. youngest and adorable ma.. whahahah...
Tuas is known for aweful food, so I hope to slim down since I can swallow food that are not to my liking.. To my HORROR, I got driven out of Tuas for lunch almost everyday. Although the food arent fantastic, it is still better than the food in Tuas canteen. My hope to slim down is dash =(
My lappy died on me.. so I cant blog very often, pardon me ya..
Looking forward to cell tmr..
Monday, September 1, 2008
Check out Persis' wedding blog here!
Hey Xiao Dis. If you all dont know who she is, go visit the blog and you'll know! hahaha...she used to be in our cellgroup, then she left to go to Praise Fellowship congregation (still in the same church), which next year we'll be moving to...