Saturday, September 20, 2008

hi folks!

know its been a long time since i blogged.. sorry was alittle busy alittle lazy alittle panyze... hahha busylazypanzy fuzzywazzy! hahha

yupz... am uploading a big video of our cell retreat! good times!! wonder how it taste if we catch a bunch of them n cook it chilli crab style.. hahha maybe we fry them first until crispy crispy them it be real nice aye!

hahah been holding out on the pictures and videos! haha i think we shld complie the videos n pictures that everyone got and put them into a christmas edition JK CD! hahah... n sell it for 10 bucks! haha... all proceedings goes to cell fund for end of year party!~ hahha... (how about that huh? )

I arrow shu hui to complie! hahah n erm.. elisa n liz to market n audit the sales! and.... of course treasurer to collect the money! hah oh! n erm... the young men to come up with the cover design and theme! must be christmas-y!!! =)


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