Searchings.. seekings... askings...
Its been a long 2 years since i got back from down-under.... and i have been down n under since then... ha
been on a quest to find my place and my role in this society .... a place i used to call home... but never did i imagine... that i would be coming back to a changed place, changed ppl, changed perceptions... Aussie has indeed opened my eyes to many things about life and beliefs...
I thought that going to aussie is a temporal "postpone" of my Singapore lifestyle ... but upon my experiences and the understanding of how life is so much more than working for the sake of
sercurity in HDBs, prada bags, fine dinning, grand weddings
the approval of those ard... that everything is "too risky, n u will surely fail" unless its a 9-5 mthly paying job... n.........
the worse of all... the brain wash that the "good life" the "light at the end of tunnel" would be there to embrace you after u give in a good hard work of 40-45 years of your life in whatever jobs .. then u would? have succeeded in life.. u you able able to afford everything you want in life, and take that vacation in swiss or europe.
But from what i had the previlage to see in the hospitals... n in the nursing homes.... this really is a lie..... these 40-45 years are the best years that one will ever have.... and if u work for the security for the golden years... one factor that most didnt account in is sickness.... one cancer / stroke can over nite shake up all the security that one tired so desperately tries to build up over the many Over Time (OT) and dog-eat-dog meetings... i just cannot see the sanity in all these...
i know many will be ready to defend their jobs and gun me down with all these writings... i really aint putting down anyone.. but juz an insight to what GOd is been bringing me thru.. i mean if everyone thinks like me then there will be no doctors for the sick.. no businessman to sell TVs, no farmers to grow fruits... n no pigs to be sucklings..=) guess there is a place where GOd had planned for us... but perhaps mine is really not conventional n might not be in the comforts of Singapore...
however... do think ... think about how not to waste it... waste our lives away.... in Aussie i am fortunate to learn n see , that work is really n should be a small part of our precious life... say one earns 4000 a mth, n work for 50 years... one person life is worth a mere 2.4 million. is that alot..? probably one nice house on top of orchard mrt is worth about 4 million... i really dont think its alot.... juz like King Solomon in his quest to find purpose n meaning in life independent of God ....
Ecc1:2 "Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. "Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless."
n in Neil Anderson : victory over the darkness, he wrote;
Happiness in worldly defination is equated with good looks, relationships with important ppl, the right job, and a fat bank account. life devoid of these "benfefits" is too often equated with hopelessness...
What about life in God's kingdom? the success = happiness and failure = hopelessness dont exist. We are already a whole person and possess a life of infinite meaning and a purpose because of who we are - a child of God-
the only equation that works in God's kingdom is you plus Christ = wholeness and meaning.
Where is your hope today?
Suffocating.................................... !
no this cant be the place i left aussie for.... no there can be more ..... there must be more......... lord i want more......
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